Librivox Mystery Bookshelf


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For those of you unfamiliar with, this is how the site describes itself:

LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books.

I have recorded a number of short stories and a few novels for Librivox, and have an special interest in mystery novels and stories.  While the site has a search engine for its catalog, I decided to make a site that showcases the mystery fiction available on Librivox.

I have organized this site into the same categories that Mike Grost has used for his excellent "Guide to Classic Mystery and Detection".  His site has essays for each category, as well as a list of recommended reading for each category.  I will include links to the essays on Mike's site.  I will also highlight books and stories, available on Librivox, that are recommended on those sites.  In addition to highlighting books that Mike recommends, I will also add an icon to designate books listed as "Cornerstones" in the excellent, scholarly "Murder for Pleasure" history of detective stories by Howard Haycroft.

There are a couple of categories that are not part of Mike Grost's site.  The Predecessors page will list books that precede Poe's first mystery stories.  The Collections page will list collections, on Librivox, that span multiple categories.

Files will have some icons associated with them.  Here is an explanation of them:

   Recommended Reading on Mike Grost's Guide to Classic Mystery and Detection
   A Haycroft-Queen Cornerstone
This link will take you to the etext the audiobook was read from
 If there is a hard copy version available of this book, this link will take you to

For those who are interested in reading the books,  in addition to, or instead of, listening to them, I will include links to free etexts (mostly from Project Gutenberg) and also to for hardcopy versions.

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